We get it. 
We've dealt with the frustrations.
Don't give up on your dog!

Your dog is pulling you down the street on your walks, barking and lunging at people, bikes, dogs, and everything else. It doesn't matter what it is.
 People have said your dog is aggressive. 
You can't even imagine what would happen is your dog got off leash around another dog. 
All the barking, all the chewing, all the selective hearing. It doesn't matter the situation, your dog just seems down right out of control. 

It's frustrating, we understand. With over 10 years of experience working with dogs, we have worked through it all. We've even been there with our own dogs. 
You're not alone in this.

We are here to listen.
We've seen it, we've dealt with it
Fill out the form and tell us about your dog!

What Other Have to Say


Tyler... dog trainer, business owner, husband, father, dreamer, and all around funny guy!

I got my start as a professional way back in 2011 when I was in the Marine Corps and started working with IED Detection Dogs. I learned the training, I saw the behavior problems, and I saw the dogs thriving and saving lives. I can proudly say, everyone in my platoon came back from our combat deployment in 2012, unharmed!

Since then I have worked with dogs that needed basic obedience all the way to dogs dealing with aggression. We work with dogs across the board, but I personally get most excited about working with dogs that are barking and lunging at the end of a leash when I come in and who need some guidance and a new relationship built with their owners.

I'm not some robotic guy (though it's in my arsenal of dance moves), I ease the tension with jokes, try to make people smile, and treat people like people. We are all humans and we all have our own expertise. Mine just happens to be dogs :)


If you've gotten this far... It's time to contact us. 
Click one of the buttons below! Tell us about your dog!

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